Don’t miss your chance to cheer on your favorite players from the gridiron. Enter for your shot at a lineup of prizes that will put you right where the action is.*
Every home game, a new winner will receive:
Two field-level VIP seats
Pre-game sideline access for two
Opportunity to be on the field when the teams come out of the tunnel
Two-night beachside hotel stay
Ground transportation
Airfare if you’re from out of town
More entries, more chances to win
Come back and submit an entry as often as once a day until 12/26/2021 for more opportunities to take the field. See official rules for more details.
*[ Abbreviated rules Equam es nusdam rem facillaceate dolore qui bla pressus danisqui ratur rehenih iliquunt, tem id eat officab oreictis exernam alit aut am re, nus aboria volorem qui volorum vero mini omnis dolo moles eos is repudan tiisim escim harcipit, quati cus andit a sant eate nonsed ea atias aut vitiumquunto tem. Nam venda quo exeria audae dolum qui non coris et qui doluptate necabore seque omnis inctus arum re peliae apienem as intioribus sanimus animpos idem quia ipsanie ndioren dignam quiaecum eosandam as sim rempore nobis enihilliant laut everferum ut laccupid et eum evel et qui dolorem evelition porporum que aliquae rovidunt omnihic ipiciis]